Thursday, November 20, 2008

Turn your Whining into Winning!- Guest Blogger: JULIE

Jeremiah 15(the end of)
{ God speaking}
"Take back those words, and I'll take you back. Then you'll stand tall before me. Use words truly and well, don't stoop to cheap whining. Then, but only then , you'll speak for Me. Let your words change them. Don't change your words to suit them. I'll turn you into a steel wall, a thick steel wall, impregnable. They'll attack you, but won't put a dent in you because I'm at your side, defending and delivering. I'll deliver you from the grip of the wicked. I"ll get you out of the clutch of the ruthless."

Whoa! God was so direct with me this morning. He gave me this
scripture after I asked where I should read, and not until I got to
the very end did the Holy Spirit set my " alarm bells" off.
I have said many negative words about having to work. Even when I
already committed to it, my flesh would cry out and my tongue would
speak negative words. There have also been many times that I've spoken
judgments against my family members, outside my immediate family.

Meanwhile, my number one gripe was that no one seems to take me
seriously. I kept thinking, why do I seem to have such little
influence over people that I "should" be able to give advice to, or at
least be listened to by? The babysitter is telling me I should pull
my daughters long bangs into a clip(Flesh speaking: "Hello? I'm the
mom of a 2.5 year old. I think I know how to take care of my child.")
I'll speak up about something at work, and sometimes just get
So while I cannot control how people treat me, and sometimes there's
just nothing I can be or do to change them: God has shown me that I'm
the one stopping Him. Until I (with God's help) CONSTANTLY speak the
words that are true and good, I will be defeated. Because if I really
believe God's words in my heart and expect to see them come true, my
mouth would not be pouring out junk.
My job is a good thing, I am not being stolen from, this is adding to
my life, God will use this time to bring harvest into His kingdom, He
is not punishing me.


Sarah said...

That's so good Julie! God is stretching you in many ways, and you're doing a great job listening to His voice!

Freedom Martinez said...

This is so true! We really don't know the power of our words! Especially in this job climate, having a positive attitude reflected in your words will really help you to stand out~! And before you know it, you will be taken seriously, and you will become a woman of influence!