Sunday, November 23, 2008

Taking Ownership: Poop or no Poop. Guest Blogger: JEN

Gen 1:28

God blessed them:
Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge!
Be responsible for fish in the sea and birds in the air,
for every living thing that moves on the face of Earth."


God tells us to take responsibility (ownership) in our lives, and that
means for us to know what is ours to take care of and what we don't
need to worry about. It takes wisdom to know what we should be doing,
because we can't do everything. God broke something in me that I
didn't realize was still in me, and it stems back to my marriage and
my ex husband. I realized that I am nice out of fear, this was a HUGE
thing for me this morning I used to be this way with my ex husband I
did everything out of fear, and I see this creeping back in.

"HELLO JENNIFER" God was saying to me the spirit of fear, rejection, and
people-pleasing lay in side of you. WHAT? I thought all of this was
gone. Nope, and it is all my fault because I didn't take complete
ownership of what God has given me.

Now that I start thinking, it is hard for me to realize what are my responsibilities and what aren't. I know that God doesn't expect me to do everything, and now realizing that it shouldn't matter what people in the world expect me to be or do.

This doesn't fall into my daily responsibilities, but this falls
into not doing things for people out of fear that they won't like me.

God revealed to me a vision of a house with a zero lot line and a
house with a lot of space around it, boundaries around my heart is
what God wants me to do. I need to stop having a zero lot line around
my heart and letting people look in my "windows" and letting their
dogs poop in my yard, because I don't want people pooping on my heart
then walk away. Once they walk away they feel better, but then I have
to sit and try to justify that it was ok for me to let them dump on
me because that is the "Christian" thing to do.

Today I will realize what is my responsibility and what isn't!


Mrs. Romotowski said...

This is going to infuse you with so much energy Jen!!! Knowing what you ARE and ARE NOT responsible for allows you to focus your energy. And being filled with the Spirit, you will know where and when to pour it out, because you will be protected and guided by God.

Sarah said...

Less worry, more curry! HAAHAA. Seriously, I'm glad that you are receiving more freedom from unnecessary responsibility. I used to think that I had to make everyone happy inorder to be liked, and that did nothing for me, but create headaches! Thankfully we have a faithful God Who wants us to overcome all obsticles in life!